Wednesday, October 5, 2016

GPS: What is it?

What is GPS? 
Global positioning system (GPS) is an accurate worldwide navigational and surveying facility based on the reception of signals from an array of orbiting satellites. GPS enables Mm-level real-time positioning accuracy, which fosters new development via navigational and surveying tool. It was first created by the Department of Defense for military purposes and civil positioning purposes. 

History of GPS
From the late 1970s, human developed satellites for the guiding purposes. The technique is based on the location of the user and the time it takes for the satellite to send the signal to the receiver, and this timing and range is calculated by the speed of light. There are several satellite navigation systems, including the Global Positioning System (GPS) of the US Government, and these satellites are utilized in various aspects: mapping, surveying, land transport, aviation and maritime navigation.

Application of GPS
In Everyday Life
1. taxi positioning
2. navigation tool (ex. Google Map, Naver Map, T map)
3. can track criminals (electronic tagging)
4. can track people (kidnapped, runaway teenagers) 
electronic tagging device
              navigation application on mobile phones

As Environmental Steward
1. detect upcoming natural disasters 
2. measure sea level rise
3. ice sheet change observation 
4. monitor illegal deforestation 
5. monitor fishery boundaries

Economic Benefits 
1. surveying tool of GPS can foster the development of infrastructure
2. employers can keep track of employees during working hours via GPS
3. road congestion problem can be ameliorated-> less green house gas emission

The development of global positioning system (GPS) is significant in today’s society as it is more than just a simple navigating tool. It made our society a much convenient and a safe place. However, the usage of GPS also brings certain social issues, such as infringement of individual’s privacy. Also, national security can be in danger because GPS system provides critical positioning capabilities to military users around the world. 

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